Friday, March 11, 2011

I've never... (well i kinda did)

I've never...

had a threesome.
Been drunk.
Touched a real gun.
Did drugs.
Wrote on a bathroom stall.
Took "naughty" pictures of myself.
Got into a fist fight.
Gotten expelled.
Got a computer virus.
Had a hand-written diary.
Been allergic to something.
Had a monkey.
Been pregnant.
Got a STD.
Had a pregnancy scare.
Had unprotected sex.
Camped out.
Wore a bikini.
Made a survey.
Failed a class for the year.
Repeated a grade.
Went to summer school.
Got the high honor roll.
Learned to speak another language fluently.
Recorded my own music.
Had an xBox.
Listened to metal.
Wore fishnets.
Been heart-broken.
Hated someone.
Cheated on someone.
Did something sexual with someone of the same sex.
Had surgery.
Had my license.
Been to college.
Graduated high school.
Attempted suicide.
Worn colored contacts.
Broke someone's heart.
Had my heart broken.
Cried for an hour straight.
Lost something very valuable.
Had sex in a car.
Got separated from my parents as a kid.
Broke a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee.
Eaten something bad/expired.
Threw up from being so drunk.
Had to put a pet to sleep.
Participated in a swinger's party.
Own an iPhone.
Fell for a best friend.
Stole a friend's significant other.
Got a STD.
Went away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away.
Teased my brother/sister.
Gotten arrested.
Been to the hospital.
Had food poisoning.
Had a job.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Lied to a significant other.
Posted a video on YouTube.
Started a rumor about someone.
Deliberately failed a test.
Dropped out of school.
Gotten my "private parts" pierced.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million.
Ate frog feet.
Ate duck meat.
Had 5 star food.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broken a window.

this is kind of interest but I've done some of this stuff.

.allthatgoodstuff. =P


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